Číslo 87515
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Audio- kabel
Audio kabel JACK M - JACK M, 1,8m s lomeným konektorem na jedné straně
Vysoce kvalitní konektory
Pozlacené konektory zajišťují to nejlepší připojení a dlouhou životnost
Connectors with cable break protection
Both plugs are equipped with crease protection: one has a flattened angular shape and a spring, the other has a ribbed rubberized protection, which increases the endurance of the acoustic cable
Optimal length
The length of 1.8 meters is suitable for connecting equipment in various situations, for example for connecting home audio systems and for connecting to a car radio from the back seat of a car
Surround high-quality stereo sound
The cable design allows you to transmit clear and high-quality sound in stereo format, therefore it is the best solution if you want to enjoy your favorite music or to watch movies